After announcing Telegram Premium earlier this month, the messaging app has in any case rolled out the paid tier, which supplies customers get admission to to further options for $4.99 / month (by the use of TechCrunch). The entire options are defined in a post on Telegram’s blog, with a few of its larger attracts together with quicker downloads and a bigger most record add dimension of 4GB (slightly than the usual 2GB).
Top class subscribers may also get double the bounds imposed on same old customers. As an alternative of becoming a member of as much as 500 channels, subscribers are capped at 1,000 channels. The similar is going for different options on Telegram — subscribers can create 20 chat folders with 200 chats each and every, save as much as 10 stickers, pin as much as 10 chats, and upload a complete of 4 accounts to Telegram as an alternative of 3. Top class customers additionally get to have longer bios with a hyperlink.
Another perks come with get admission to to a library of Top class stickers with extra obnoxious full-screen animations, unique emoji reactions, and animated profile footage (type of like those you spot on Steam). There’s additionally textual content conversion for voice messages should you don’t have headphones to hand, along with chat control equipment that assist you to trade your default chat folder. Oh, and subscribing to Top class gets rid of backed messages in public channels.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s perspectives at the platform’s freemium tier have remained unchanged since he first brought up the possibility in 2020. In step with what he stated in the past, Durov stated last week that loose options will stay loose and new options gained’t affect the Telegram revel in for non-subscribers. This implies loose Telegram customers will have to have the ability to obtain higher information uploaded by means of subscribers, in addition to view the top rate reactions or emojis they use.
Durov additionally promised that Telegram gained’t forestall growing options without spending a dime customers both, which the platform seems to be following thru on up to now. The most recent Telegram replace shows verified badges in chats (now not simply in profiles, seek effects, or chat lists), provides public teams the power to permit sign up for requests, and provides a couple of platform-specific enhancements.
That stated, Telegram Top class comes with so much of options, lots of which it will likely be horny to probably the most energetic of Telegram’s — now 700 million sturdy — userbase. I in my view like that almost all of Top class’s perks construct off of Telegram’s present options. The brand new tier doesn’t put options in the back of a paywall that are supposed to’ve been at the platform within the first position (more or less like what Twitter did with its “undo” button).